PDF Security

PDF Protection With DRM And How To Create A Good Password [Infographic]

Do you have to share PDF documents for professional purposes? You may be a financial analyst or a movie scriptwriter, chances are that you have to send PDFs that you don’t want to be accessed by unauthorized or unintended recipients. PDFs can be password protected or you can implement a DRM (Digital Rights Management) system…

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Web Design PSD to XHTML

Why PSD to XHTML Conversion Is The Key To Designing Cool Responsive Websites

PSD to XHTML conversion is usually the first step of building a dynamic and responsive website. For the uninitiated in web design, PSD is the Photoshop Design file format. Normally, all webdesign services use Photoshop to create the wire-frame of the website template. This is basically the design layout in the form of a PSD…

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Big Data for Small Businesses UAB Thumb

Big Data For Small Businesses, An All-Encompassing Guide [Infographic]

Over the last few years, social media platforms and online interactions have increased many fold. Businesses are using more digital technologies than before. Ecommerce, online ads, polls and surveys have become standard for marketing operations. These technologies are all data driven. Even small and medium businesses today need data analytics at an unprecedented scale. To…

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Apple Store And Google Play Store. Let’s Find Out What Makes Each Special [Infographic]

Android and iOS are biggest players in smartphone marketplace. The rest of the platforms like Windows and Blackberry form a relatively small user base. Apple and Google operating systems strongly compete for user acquisition. The success of these two mobile operating systems have been largely due to their app stores: Google Play Store, and the…

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How to deliver excellent customer service Thumb

What Millennial Customers Want From Any Service [Infographic]

What generational group is driving big changes to virtually every aspect of our lives? It’s Millennials, that often-studied group of people born after 1980. They’re culturally and ethnically diverse, they have shorter attention spans than goldfish, and they form almost a quarter of the U.S. population. And while they’re much to differentiate them, there are…

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Promoting Data Security in the Workplace UAB Thumb

Information Security Major Concern For Both Employees And Business Owners [Infographic]

Irrespective of the type of workplace, data security is a top concern for management professionals today. Security breaches can end up threatening the livelihood of employees and entire companies alike, depending on how severe they are. There are solutions available to many common professional data security problems. However, understanding the surrounding statistics is often the…

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Black Friday & Cyber Monday Infographic - USA

Black Friday And Cyber Monday Events Changing The Retail Landscape In U.S. [Infographic]

Black Friday and Cyber Monday have both become retail phenomena in a very short space of time and at this stage are practically impossible to ignore as a consumer and as a retailer. As a consumer, these “events” have heralded a period of frenzied shopping but ultimately have also yielded bargains too! For retailers, it’s…

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Average Cost Of Data Breaches Reach $3.5 Million In 2014 [Infographic]

Electronic payments, banking and credit card usage provide a welcome convenience for customers and most retailers. However, the mega data breaches of 2014 created extreme doubt in those hit by the wave of electronic crime. Big names such as eBay, JPMorgan Chase and Home Deport took vast hits because of these malicious attacks. Sadly, these…

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HIPAA Data Breaches In First Half Of 2015 (Jan to June) – An Indepth Analysis [Infographic]

The 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) pose unique challenges to healthcare providers. Rather than requiring healthcare providers and hospitals to be HIPAA compliant, the act extends HIPAA compliance to cover all entities storing, managing, recording, or transmitting Patient Health Information (PHI), according to the HIPAA Security Rule standards. HIPAA non compliance can…

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Integrating Social Media Marketing with Email Marketing Thumbnail

Integrating Social Media Marketing with Email Marketing [Infographic]

Email marketing company Reachmail has put together a really cool infograhpic that shows why it is important to fully integrating your email and social media marketing strategies together. This post was originally published on the Reachmail blog. The graphic covers 2015 spending changes broken up by marketing channels (email and social see the largest spending…

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tech addiction

Hey I wrote a really boring book but its cheap. Please buy it so that I can write another boring book

Hello Everyone, I’ve been meaning to write a book since 2011. The new decade began with great enthusiasm. New social platforms were being launched and visual content was becoming the buzzword. The whole gamification thing was emerging on the foreground and we were getting introduced to wonderful new technologies like 3D printing and big data….

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Food Truck Fans

People Listen To You When Customer Speaks For You

Much of the brand marketing landscape today centers around consumer perception. Gone are the days when blatant advertising alone did the trick and people flocked to buy the latest novelty to please themselves. Actually, there is very little novelty factor left in products and services. Competition is both severe and simultaneous. The core aspect of…

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Google Consumer Surveys Review

How To Use Google Surveys For Getting Business Insights

Hey guys, in this post we are reviewing the new Google Consumer Surveys. At TLB we often review apps and softwares which have practical utility for businesses. We all know that from a marketing perspective, surveys are quite important for businesses. We have run several surveys in the past and our in-house researchers like to…

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Inflamatory bowel disorder

Infliximab for Treating IBD and an Emerging Social Network for Gastroenterologists

In order to amass the most comprehensive information on Infliximab, one among the commonly recommended drug to curb inflammation and various symptoms that IBD patients suffer from, it’s essential to get in-depth idea on the disease conditions that lead to the recommendation of Infliximab. Often infused intravenously, Infliximab can help reduce debilitating signs of inflammatory…

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Cross device purchase thumbnail

How Cross-Device Customer Journey Mapping Works [Infographic]

When consumers see a product advertised online or on television they don’t often head to a website to buy the product right away. More often then not most consumers will do further research on the product before buying. Only 2% of customers buy on their first visit to a website. Because of the proliferation of…

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Best Car Brands on Social Media Thumbnail

Let’s find Out Which Car Brands Are Ruling The Social Networks [Infographic]

Well, if you are a car crazy social media geek then you would know how your favorite car maker’s Facebook page or Instagram account is special. Automobile brands have some of the most interesting social media presence as their Twitter handles and YouTube accounts constantly keep putting out content that we love. Stunt videos, mobile…

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