elearning tools

3 e-Learning Trends That are Changing the Way Your Child Learns

Online learning is fast catching up in the contemporary educational system and it is facilitated by the surge in the Information Technology in recent times. Academicians and educators have designed many online learning platforms to help students to learn in a better manner and engage them in the class. Online learning helps students to remain…

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texting and teenage literacy

How is Text Messaging Affecting Teen Literacy?

The advent of cellular phones has undoubtedly revolutionized the communication process to a large extent, adding to that the burgeoning social media sites also changed the way one used to communicate. With the introduction of text messaging feature, conversation over text messages become popular among a large number of people. However, it has greatly influenced…

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Photography setup

Color Vs. Black and White: Which One to Choose?

While the inception of photography started with black and white manifestations, experimentation with color slowly started getting infused into the monochromatic images. Quickly, color photographs became the standard. Even though many photographers decided to stay loyal to the artistic essence of black and white photography, many more shifted to the refreshing and appealing color photography….

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