How Brands Can Build Better Relationships With Their Customers…

Personalized Shopping

Personalized Shopping

We have now come to a point in society were information is so sudden, and the whole world is moving faster then what we can keep up with…. relationships seem to just come and go, and loyalties are beginning to diminish. But how can brands strengthen their relationship with their customers? What can they do to get them on their side…. Simple be more HUMAN!

If you are a new brand entering the market then begin by introducing yourself, who are you and what do you do? Social media has blessed us with a free voice to express ourselves as people, so why can’t brands do the same…at the end of the day they too have a story to tell and a history behind them. It’s well known the more you open up with someone the more they will trust you and let you in into their lives. For those household brands we have come to love the same idea applies, it has been a long time since we were first introduced to them and maybe it’s time to rekindle that excitement we once had. Why should I continue eating a KitKat if there are similar products on the market for a cheaper price?… Like us as people we each have our own unique values and personality and naturally as we are around someone for so long we tend to forget what that initial spark was that made us invest in them in the first place.

Ask your customers how their days have been, what they most like about your product or how they feel your brand can improve?….too many brands are afraid of honest criticism and shy away from this question. If you are doing something wrong wouldn’t you want to know? Try to spend more time with your audience, if they have tweeted you then acknowledge them and reply back. We have seen the growing trend in apps such as Instagram and Snapchat, utilise these platforms to keep a daily feed of what your brand is up to, post ‘behind the scenes’ pictures of factories, warehouses and HQ’s. Possibly even assign a brand ambassador to take care of these, make them the face of your social platform…a lot of the time the way a brand is perceived on social is down to the ‘human’ behind those screens whose personality is shining through the brand.

As your relationships get stronger so does the level of knowledge you gain on them. With big data these days we have access to personal information such as birthdays, if they are on your email circulation then why not send them birthday wishes, make them feel special on their special day. This little gesture can make a huge difference to someone’s day, it will show that you are caring and that you remember important occasions. You never know what your audience is going through and if they are having a bad day then at least you know you are putting a smile on someone’s face.

In conclusion give your brand some emotion and personality, if your staff want to be more active on social give them a trail let their personalities shine…look at innocent Smoothies Twitter feed pure fun & love, but they do not fail to value their customers.

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Everyday we are surrounded with brands from all parts of the world, but have we ever stopped to wonder who created this brand, the idea behind it and where in the world it comes from…? I have always been asking these questions…My name… TheBrandAnalyst!