Opening a Clothing Store [Infographic]

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Starting any business is daunting and scary; you’re pouring what seems like endless amounts of cash into a prospect that you don’t fully know will succeed or not. Opening a clothing store might seem like an outdated choice in light of so much choice in online clothing but there is still very much room for a brick and mortar clothing store in malls and streets all over the world.

The key to opening a clothing business is being passionate about your offering. Of course finances come into play but without the expertise in retail to back you up, you are unfortunately more likely to fail. Also it’s important to choose the niche wisely but there are many variables to consider before you open your store!

This infographic from Storetraffic outlines the steps needed to open a clothing store; it also defines what is included in a business plan and also the reasons why you need a business plan for the business. Check it out below!

Opening a Clothing Store

Submitted by Patrick | Infographic source:

Local clothing stores can be quite profitable enterprises if you have an innovative business model. Mention your favourite clothing store in the comments below. Don’t forget to rate and share this infographic. If you have an awesome infographic like this which you think should be published on TLB just submit here.

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Business Analyst and Local Business Marketer. Practical Brand Advisor. Co-founder & Admin at The Local Brand. Writes about marketing and investment. Motorcycle enthusiast and likes to travel.