If you’re looking for ways to generate some buzz about your business and increase your bottom line, it may be time for some promotional marketing. A contest, game or giveaway can go a long way toward generating brand enthusiasts and increasing your bottom line.
They’re also a great way to combine your online and offline marketing efforts, and strengthening the overall appearance of your brand. A promotional marketing campaign may be just what your business needs to run at full strength.
12 Ways You Can Benefit From A Promotional Marketing Campaign
Grow Your Email List – There’s high sales value in a well-cultivated email list. It’s a great way to keep your audience engaged. When people trade their emails to become involved in your promotional marketing, you win.
Increase Sales –With the buzz generated from your new marketing, you should notice some growth in the bottom line. Any well-executed promotional marketing campaign should make you money, but you’ll want more defined goals than just this.
Make New Business Contacts – It’s not always about the one off sale. Casting a wider net through promotional marketing should help you find more contacts that can turn into great partners or repeat customers, strengthening your business.
Increase Website Traffic – Online contests, games or coupons should draw more people to your website. As long as it’s optimized well, this should result in more sales for your company.

More Social Engagement – Good online promotional marketing should take advantage of your social channels. If you’re running a contest or game online, your customers should be talking about it in their Facebook feeds.
Entertain Your Customers – Contests and games entertain and engage your audience. They allow businesses to market themselves in ways that your audience may not recognize that that’s exactly what you’re doing. The effects can be powerful. If you’re going to run a Facebook contest, make sure you’re up on the rules.
Provide Value To Your Customers – Whether you’re giving away free promotional products or an ebook, your goal should be to provide value in new and different ways. You should be giving them something that they’re downright surprised they didn’t have to pay for.
Levels The Playing Field – A well-executed promotional marketing campaign can level the playing field between a big business and a small business by increasing its exposure and enticing people toward the smaller business.
Creates More Brand Loyalists – Promotional marketing generates buzz and gets people enthused about your business. When you combine that with high quality and exceptional service, it’s an easy way to create brand loyalists.
Many Promotional Marketing Campaigns Can Be Affordable – Promotional marketing campaigns don’t have to break the bank. You can create low-budget giveaways utilizing technology already in your online arsenal to promote it.
Giving Your Audience More – A good promotional marketing campaign thrives on giving your audience more than they would expect, creating a high sense of value. This can be done through coupons and giveaways.
Creates A Window Into Your Business – Your promotional marketing efforts serve as a window into your business. From there, your customers are free to shop, and see all of the other products and services that you offer.
Matthew Brennan is a marketing writer based in the Chicago area. He regularly writes about content marketing, blogging, and engaging with your audience. He has been published on ProBlogger, Soshable, and Business2Community. Connect with Matthew on his website, www.matthewlbrennan.com, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+