Why does it matter what your product packaging looks like? Is it really so important that you get the packaging just right? Why can’t you just slap any old label on your product and sell it like that? The truth is that your label and packaging appearance is almost more important than the product itself. Here are five reasons why:
1) It Makes You Stand Out
If wine was sold in the same bottles with the same labels and packages, how would you know the difference between the cheap and the expensive, high quality vintages? If all baseball teams wore the same logo, how would you know who to root for? Your packaging is what makes you unique, and thus allows customers to identify YOUR products from among the many, many others on the market. The better and more unique the packaging, the more you stand out from the crowd!

2) It Protects Your Product
Your packaging isn’t just there to make your product look good, but it also helps to protect your product from damage. Wine bottles are made out of glass to ensure the wine inside is protected, and pricey tablets gifts are packaged in boxes to reduce the risk of damage. Your product should be packaged in such a way that it is protected from all wear and tear. The packaging should hold up to handling and shipping, and should ensure the safety of whatever is contained inside.
3) It Provides Information
When you shop at the supermarket, how do you choose which can of soup to buy? Do you open each tin and taste them to see what is inside? No! You simply read the label, which tells you about the contents of the can. The packaging should provide information on the product, as that will allow your customers to find out as much as possible about your product without having to open the packaging.
4) It Is An Attraction
Imagine walking down a supermarket aisle, and all the shelves are stocked with dull, boring packages of nondescript colors. How likely are you to buy something like that? Chances are, not very likely! Packaging should attract the eye and get the customer interested on the contents of the package. The color scheme, logo, font, and layout of the package is vital to the success of the product.
5) It Facilitates An Informed Decision
Customers in this day and age want to know exactly what’s in the product, where it comes from, and more. They want to make educated, informed decisions about the products they are buying. Your packaging tells your customers everything they need to know about buying your products. Your wine bottle label will tell customers about the vintage, the origin, the year, and more. The more information provided, the easier it is for the customer to make an informed decision.
These five reasons will help you understand why you need the best label design San Francisco designers can offer you. The more attractive your design, the higher the chance that your quality product will succeed!
Submitted by Sid Hasan
Affinity Creative is one of the top companies for beverage package design in the Bay Area. Their creativity has enabled them to create some of the most unique, outstanding labels and packages on the market.
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