Prevalence Of IBD Cases Among Children

Junk food and children IBD

Although the current statistics fail to provide a comprehensive idea, nearly one among the 210 children in UK alone suffer either from Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, the two widely detected forms of inflammatory bowel disease conditions. Though both the autoimmune conditions can be managed and curbed with the aid of medications such as corticosteroids and Anti-TNF drugs, as the illness is detected during childhood, the impacts that one has to deal with later-on can often be significantly distressing. The outcomes include simple digestive disorders and life threatening colorectal cancer as well. Ulcerative colitis results in inflammation of the lining of the colon and rectum, in turn causing ulceration and rectal bleeding. However, Crohn’s disease patients suffer from inflammation in the walls and linings of the digestive tract.

Active inflammation and swollenness can cause debilitating ulcerations as well. As one cannot easily distinguish both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis easily, differential diagnosis methods help detect the disease conditions, while ruling out the possibilities of other diseases that share symptoms similar to IBD. When it comes to dealing with IBD conditions, one has to be aware that IBD is a lifelong illness. In short, while it is not completely curable, IBD can be successfully managed with the aid of right medications, healthy diet plans, and balanced lifestyles. These factors can be effectively adopted by patients of all ages, thus easing the efforts to achieve and maintain remission. This comprehensive plan also helps avoid relapses when the disease condition is persistently active and immensely hard to deal with.

Here are some of the common misconceptions about inflammatory bowel disease conditions:


1. They are not infectious
2. They are not contagious
3. They are different from IBS
4. They are not fatal.

colon cancer distributionThat said, a patient who suffers from active IBD conditions for a decade or more faces the highest risks of colorectal cancer.

With all these and many more factors that are crucial to IBD diagnosis and treatment, adequate medical aids are indispensable to curb and IBD among children, and thus avoid the physical and psychological effects.

For more information join www.gutpeople.neta niche social networking website for gastroenterologists around the world. GI health care experts who specialize in GI disorders can register with The Gut People and start interacting with top GI experts around the world, on various commonly found gastrointestinal disorders like inflammatory bowel disease and intestinal tuberculosis. The Gut People is also equipped with unique functionalities that help download informative documents on gastrointestinal disorders, as well as their comprehensive diagnosis steps and advance treatment methods.



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Daniel Disusa

Translator, pursuing a career in medical research, keyed up in researches conducted to aid and supports the development body of knowledge in the field of medicine.