When looking for a company to manufacture your product labels, it can be tempting to save yourself some hassle and do the work yourself. If you’re thinking along those lines, stop right there! A professional label manufacturing company will be able to provide you with so much more than you could achieve on your own. Interested? Read on to know what to look for and expect from a manufacturer, and how their help and expertise can benefit your product.
Knowledge is power:
By working with a well-established and respected company, you will not only be paying for your product labels, but their extensive knowledge of the market. The manufacturer you choose to work with on your labels will have been through this design process many times before, and will be aware of what does and doesn’t work.
Cutting edge facilities:
A professional label manufacturing company will have facilities that someone printing from their home office simply will not. For some jobs, printing plates are used. These would be used for a job that is long-running and ongoing, where a plate would mean that the labels could be printed at a faster rate, and in the long run, for a cheaper price. Your manufacturer will know whether or not this option would be beneficial for your product. These facilities mean that a company will be able to produce your labels in large quantities in a short space of time, perfect if time is of the essence.
The right materials:
The finish on labels provided by a reputable manufacturer will be of the highest standard. Their knowledge of what material to print your label on to will be valuable, as it will ensure that your label will remain intact. Industry-standard adhesives will be used too.
Talk to the manufacturer that you are interested in working with to see what facilities they can offer. The highest quality finish will only come from using superior materials and utilising a company’s knowledge.
Attention to detail:
Your product deserves the best label, and by working with professional label creators, that’s what you will get. The little details on a label are what makes it special, and are what attracts the eye of the customer.
Your manufacturer will know how to create a strong, individual design that sets your product apart from any competitors. They will also have extensive knowledge of what colours to use and what colours work together well, something that can be rare for an amateur label designer to know much about.
An aim of typography is to ‘reinforce the meaning of the text‘ and to tie in with the aesthetic of your product, and this is yet another area where professional knowledge will pay dividends. Use of spot varnishing and other luxurious touches will be something that your manufacturer will be able to provide to set your label apart from the rest.
Flawless finish:
All of the above combined will ensure that your product is of the most flawless finish possible, making your label worthy of a partnership with your product. Your manufacturer should be able to provide you with all of the aforementioned benefits, and working with a highly regarded company will not only help you immediately with the sales of your product, but will continue to benefit you in the long run too, with the knowledge that you will gain about what helps a product to sell, and what doesn’t. So call in the professionals, and save yourself some stress, while preparing to reap some serious rewards.
Tammy Wiltshire is the Marketing Manager for Labelnet which specialise in the manufacture of self-adhesive labels for wholesale and trade purposes