Should You Choose SMS Campaigns over App or Email Marketing? [Infographic]

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When we receive a text message, we are likely to open it straight away. Indeed, 9 out of 10 texts are read within three seconds of reaching our phones. This immediacy is what makes SMS such an appealing option for marketers, who are fully aware that a text is far more likely to make potential customers stop in their tracks than an email.

That said, operating an SMS marketing campaign isn’t as cut and dried as saying ‘Here’s the message, let’s throw it out there’. The mentality of customers also has to be taken into account, and if you proceed with sending promotional texts at 3am or bombarding people with messages about a 20% off sale, it’s likely to annoy them and they won’t act upon it. Marketers must put themselves into the mindset of a customer and think ‘How, when and why would I want to receive this message?’

This infographic from Neon SMS ( outlines how an SMS opt-ins strategy can be optimised so as to ensure that customers sign up to not just this offer, but a host of future offers also.

SMS opt ins infographic

Submitted by Orla Forrest 

It seems that SMSs might work where apps or email marketing proves less effective. What’s your experience with promotional SMSs? Tell us if you think SMSs are more engaging than emails in the comments below. For more updates follow us on our social channels.

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