Image by Marc Faladeau
There is nothing more frustrating to a customer that receiving an item to find, they can’t get to it. It’s firmly within their grasp, but they just can’t get through the packaging without trapping their fingers or having to hack at it with another pair of ill-fated scissors. Not ideal. Should your buyer have to spend a great deal of time trying to merely access the item, they’re not likely to come rushing back to your store.
What’s more, packaging is often mentioned in feedback. If you receive negative reviews, it’s sure to impact upon your products popularity. By cutting back on packaging and opting for more user-friendly alternatives, you can achieve greater customer satisfaction. Want to know more? Here are four tried and tested examples of fool-proof packaging.
If you’re offering a food product or an item that requires flexible packaging, this could be a solution for you. This strip acts as an easy-open mechanism that provides your customer a way of opening the packaging easily by peeling this tape away. The water-based tape is a self-adhesive and can be applied to any packaging without the need for hot glue or wax which could result in a messy finish.
Again this is a tape used to enable easy opening. Appropriate to use with vacuum/ pouch bags, Vaktape will enable you to keep your packaging air-tight without the need for excess packaging which is sure to make your customer’s job of opening it harder. Made with a heat activated adhesive and filmic overwrap this tape, when applied to packaging with a heater unit, will bond securely to any hermetically sealed packs.
Transit boxes can provide the most difficulty to customers. Often welded tight, these boxes can only be opened by a huge pair of scissors or in more desperate cases, a kitchen knife. This can lead to your customer harming themselves in the process or result in the product becoming damaged should they take it a step too far in slashing away at the sturdy material. Rippatape can be used on corrugated and fibreboard cartons which when pulled away will open the top of the box completely, enabling the customer to easily access the contents. With a pressure-sensitive adhesive, this tape is made to pull apart most types of cardboard or fluting.
The Cardboard Box
Plastic packaging is one of the most infuriating substances a company can use to encase their product in. There’s even a name given to the anger it causes: Wrap Rage! What’s more, with this kind of packaging customers have the problem where if they pull it apart (which they have to if they want to access the product) they can no longer take it back should they be displeased with the item.
And, with there being 2800 reported cases of “wrap rage” coming from the emergency rooms in America since 2002, there is an apparent need to replace this use of packaging. Enter recyclable boxes. These are (as you can see above) easier to open (with RippaTape), eco-friendly and won’t cause harm to your buyer.
Packaging need not be a hindrance to an enthusiastic buyer. With the correct materials and additions to your packaging, you can make your buyers’ experience a better one. Moreover, you can also save money, removing the need for excess packaging. Be efficient, be eco-friendly, be stress-free in your packaging.
Have you given any of the above materials a go? Maybe you’ve fallen victim to wrap rage yourself? Comment below!
James is an IT Services Manager who loves blogging about all things tech and IT related. That is, when he’s not attached to his Xbox. He writes for Essentra Packaging.
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