Year by year thousands of people are injured at work. Although the level of danger varies from industry to industry, there are many potential hazards to be aware of. Although agriculture, fishing, construction and lorry driving are the most dangerous industries for workplace accidents, there are several ways one can injure oneself even in the supposedly safest environments like in an office. With over 5,000 deaths in Europe last year as a result of accidents in the workplace, accident prevention methods are often overlooked by management. By creating a step by step accident prevention plan, many lives can be saved. In Ireland, the most common accident types are slips, trips and falls, lifting/manual handling, unsafe systems of work, machinery and falling objects. It is interesting to note that 95% of all major slips, trips and falls result in broken bones. Manual handling injuries account for 33% of all non-fatal accidents in Ireland. The guys at Hussey Fraser have created the infographic below that gives us all the facts and statistics you need to know about accidents in the workplace in Ireland and they also provide a guide on what to do when a workplace accident takes place.
Do you work at a high risk workplace? How are the safety norms managed at your organization? If you like this infographic then please share it with your friends. Leave us your thoughts in your comments below.