Small businesses often experience greater challenges in maintaining compliance with local, state and federal regulations. These agencies may not only govern the technical aspects of the business, but also impact human resources management and workforce recruiting. The requirements can impact a number of different areas of your enterprise and can be more stringent for some types of businesses than for others. Below are seven of the most common compliance issues for you to watch out for as a small business owner.
1. Discrimination in Hiring & Promotion
Many small businesses overlook the need to do vigorous outreach efforts to employ a diverse workforce. Often, positions are filled by word-of-mouth, friends, family members and other conduits that are close to the business owners. This small circle can lead to a limited pool of potential workers that are very similar to the owners in regard to racial group, religion, gender or other criteria. Take the time to find a broader range of candidates will help to ensure that the business is not accidentally in violation of equal opportunity requirements.
2. Unstructured Human Resources Policies
Generally, small businesses do not have a large group of people to handle HR issues. These matters may be handled by one person, or they may be only one part of an employee’s stated tasks. This can lead to disputes about how different employees’ needs are handled and violations of employment law. Having clear, well-defined policies for employee issues can save time and can avoid legal problems with non-compliance.
3. Overtime Designations
Recent changes in determining who qualifies for overtime pay are now in force and other regulations may come into play in the future. Keeping a close eye on current regulations and job description categories can ensure that your business remains in compliance.
4. Medical-Bio Tech Issues
Small businesses that deal with medical technology and biological materials must comply with strict guidelines set by the federal government. Many of the regulations involve the proper training of workers in these fields. A number of issues can cause a condition of non-compliance in regard to quality control for sterility, record keeping and reporting practices. Coding for proper designations is another area that may involve periodic changes that affect compliance. Updating equipment can be a key factor in staying compliant with both national and international standards. Make sure that you find quality electric laboratory stirrers and other equipment in order to avoid issues.
5. Payroll Compliance
Ensuring that all regulations are followed to the letter in regard to payroll matters can be a problem for a small business with limited personnel and resources for these tasks. Many businesses find that outsourcing is the best way to manage payroll matters, which shifts the job of managing deadlines and deposits to a third party.
6. Safety Issues
Appropriate safety clothing and equipment must be available at all times to ensure the health and welfare of employees. Compliance with safety regulation for particular issues may include keeping additional records of testing, calibration, quality control and other data.
7. Pollution Regulations
Staying in compliance with pollution regulations can often be a burden to small businesses that have fewer employees to deal with these issues. However, the Environmental Protection Agency has developed a streamlined process to help small businesses comply with federal standards.
Is your organization compliant to all of the above? How do your score your company for maintaining compliance? Leave us your thought in the comments below and don’t forget to share this article at your workplace.