5 timeless tips for more interactive and engaging business presentations

engaging business presentation

engaging business presentation

Be so good they simply can’t ignore you!

What makes the difference between ‘’good’’ and ‘’great’’ presentation? Let’s be honest, the main goal is simple – to impress your audience. To engage, amaze and leave a lasting impression that even when your presentation is finished people would still talk about it. And the most important of all – to spread your message effectively. Don’t underestimate the power of a good presentation. Audiovisual eye candy presentation with compelling content could help you generate more leads and convince more people to join your vision. We all know that brain doesn’t pay attention to the boring details and we all had our share with the most boring presentations in history. Can you even remember all those boring presentations with dry content? Don’t let this happen to you! Even the greatest ideas could be completely ignored if they are delivered in the wrong way. In the era of digital, it is hard to impress, the stakes are a lot higher and it’s not making the job easier. Lucky for you all, we created a perfect bucket list for creating a compelling and engaging presentation that would make your audience interact with you. Try our tips for the next big event and you will be amazed by results – just like your audience.

2. Start boldly

The beginning of the presentation is the crucial step. So don’t waste your time on long explanations and start entertaining your audience right away. The opening joke is always welcome when it comes to this step. It would immediately grasp their attention and they will feel more open to engage in your presentation. It is always a great thing to mention at the start of the presentation that you expect your audience to participate in the discussion. Ask them an interesting question, make them share their opinions on the topic. Keep the communication channel open. Make things even more interesting – a dedicated social media channel can ease the audience interaction. Or you can start the poll to get immediate feedback from the audience. Make sure that your audience is properly equipped – this works great for smaller audiences. There is always an option for desktop computer rental, renting laptops, tablets, and iPads for your presentation. It would help your audience to follow you. Dare to be different.

3. Show your passion and focus on the message you want to share!

There is nothing wrong with being passionate about your work and ideas. Your passion lead you where you are at this moment and now it is the right time to share your vision. Who knows the subject matter better than yourself?  Just remember that you are an expert in your field and connect with the audience, forget about the panic. Honesty is always the best policy – tell your audience why is this important to you. We know that this sounds a little bit like a cliche but smile and keep an eye contact with the audience. Don’t turn your back on them. They are not your audience only – they are your potential leads or business partners so this step is very important. Of course, don’t lose your focus – always try to go back to a message you want to share with your audience. You should always go back to your point and communicate it easy, avoid unnecessarily complicated explanations.

4. Audiovisual eye candy

Of course, one of the most important aspect when it comes to compelling presentation. Never underestimate the power of audio & visual experience – it could make your presentation even more rememberable… and remarkable! Depending on how big the event is, how large is your audience and what are your presentation goals – rent personalized, professional equipment that would give your presentation that wow effect and final touch! You can use, for example, digital whiteboards to make things a lot easier! It would give you much needed control over presentation, you can drag and drop items, emphasize the important parts. Always stick to the important rules when it comes to presentations – contain no more than 10 slides, don’t go over 20 minutes and font size should be 30 points.

5. Tell  stories

Storytelling is not just stuff that you tell your kids before they go to sleep. You will be surprised how storytelling can engage your audience in your presentation. Recipe for this is always simple, the story is being told thousand times before – but in new, different way. Use your stories as a great opportunity to engage the audience. By organizing your presentation to follow the familiar pattern of the most famous stories audience will find it easier to follow your content.

6. Use your voice

A strong, yet friendly voice is one of the important assets of your presentation. For your audience your voice is part of who you are, it shows what you believe in. By your voice, you will be judged by the audience on how strong you believe in your ideas. Use your voice wisely, for the maximum impact of your presentation. Speak loudly so everyone can hear you, especially when the audience is bigger, make sure that everyone can hear you. Of course, if you are hosting a large business presentation renting high-quality speakers is always a great option. Only that way you will communicate your vision loudly and clearly. Raise your volume gradually as you build through the point. For even more interactive presentation – always be on the move. Body language is also very important – by any means avoid crossed arms or hands behind your back.


Through these tips, we’ve seen that every aspect of your presentation is important – from body language, voice and audio visual joy. Mastering the art of perfect presentation isn’t a rocket science but it takes time and preparation. Once you master this art you will be more confident and it would be easier to share your ideas and convince people to join your vision.

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Stacey Shannon