Coffeee!! What a lovely word, isn’t it? The much celebrated office drug is a worldwide symbol of rejuvenation, stimulation and intellect. Coffee beans are a rich source of a naturally occurring alkaloid stimulant called caffeine. This is the ingredient used in many energy drinks. It is also the thing that makes you energetic and alert. In occasional use it surely is beneficial. Especially when exams are going on or office deadlines are near.
1- Coffee can provide Anti-Oxidants
2- Coffee lessens the risk of Parkinson’s Disease
3- Coffee reduces the risk of type 2 Diabetes
However, like most good things, overdose of caffeine is also harmful. In frequent use it acts exactly like any other drug. It can get you addicted. Well, coffee addiction may have been portrayed as an endearing habit in popular culture but that’s a marketing ploy. There are certain health issues associated with excess coffee drinking. This infographic from details some of the facts behind coffee that you should know:
Submitted by Michele Smarty | Infographic source:
We mean no offence if you are a coffeeholic. This is simply stating facts. You can share your passion for your favourite drink in the comments below and share this infographic with your friends.