Along with the value of the material of which the jewellery is made of, there is an aesthetic and spiritual value related to the same as well and this is what makes jewelleries so very special. There are different kinds of jewelleries that date back to hundreds of years and are termed as antique jewellery. Value of such unique pieces is extremely high. Understanding jewellery valuation is not as simple as it seems to be. There are many things and factors that are taken into consideration before ascertaining the value of a piece of jewellery.
Things that are considered during jewellery valuations
Craftsmanship involved in the jewellery making
Different kinds of jewellery items have different kinds of craftsmanship done on them. Jewelleries that have extremely detailed and intricate work are high on the craftsmanship value. Also the metal on which the designs are done play an important role in ascertaining the valuation of the trinket. If the design is hand-made, it is needless to say that the price will be high.
Certificate of the original item and the original box
Jewellery valuers nowadays lay great emphasis on the certificate that is issued while purchasing jewellery as this is an important document for ascertaining the valuation of the item. Along with the certificate, the original box in which the item was packed is also taken into consideration. This is more applicable when the piece of jewel is from a contemporary model.
Gem type and quality
Jewelleries which have gemstones studded usually have higher prices than the ones that come on plain metal. Among the different gemstones, diamonds are the most expensive ones and their costing and valuation depend on the 4 Cs, namely colour, cut, carat and clarity. Along with diamonds, gemstones like rubies, sapphires, emeralds etc. are also quite valuable and their calibration also depend on their sheen, cut, depth, colour etc. During the process of valuation and appraisal, the gems are cleaned and then measured and weighed. Some certified jewellery appraiser is appointed for checking the authenticity of the gemstones. Then the final valuation for the piece of jewellery is decided.
Age and provenance of the jewellery
Age of the jewellery plays an important role in ascertaining the valuation of the same. If the jewellery is older than 100 years, it is termed as antique and is more expensive than general items. However, there are some styles that are very old and outdated and might not fetch very handsome price. The Edwardian, Georgian and Belle Époque styles are highly revered and valued in the market. Along with age of the jewellery, provenance is an important element that decides valuation. All the receipts and previous valuations have to be furnished for current jewellery valuation London.
Majority of leading jewellery companies and brands offer services of ascertaining valuation for the jewelleries. Along with general purpose, jewellery valuation for insurance is also important. When jewelleries are insured, the insurance company will ask for the valuation of the items and then insure the same. It is important to find the right valuations of the trinkets so that if they are lost or stolen, the insurance company can pay back to the insurer.