Did you know that self-driving cars had a history? It’s not like Google invented the technology, but in reality the self-driving car technology has been in works for the last ten decades. Our infographic gives you walk through each decade, and what innovations were made in that particular decade in the field of self-driving cars. Self-driving cars have various advantages, such as avoiding traffic collisions that occur due to human errors. They also provide relief for the occupants, from the daily chores of driving and navigation. Another advantage that it provides would be removal of various constraints such as under age, over age, blindness, handicapped, and even intoxicated. That’s why self-driving cars are very important. We have shortlisted few cars that made news for their features. In 1958 Firebird III from General Motors made news, since it claimed to have an electric brain, which allowed the car to drive on the freeway, while the driver takes a nap or relaxes. We also have a Robot car “VaMoRs” that claimed to drive at 60mph. Let’s take a look at the real picture the self-driving cars we are quite aware that self-driving cars are still not being used on a big scale, but soon the number of self-driving cars on the road would be more than the manually driven ones.
Are you as eagerly waiting to see self driving cars on the roads as me? Well if you are and you think this infographic is awesome, just share it with your friends. Also tell us in your comments how you think self driving cars are going to change traffic.