So your search for the property is already over and you’ve been able to choose the property of your choice – congratulations on that!
However, before you decide to relax and get away with all the stress, know there’s more of it in your way. Buying a property is no joke and making all the settlements for it is all the more stressful; so, if you’ve bought the property get ready for property settlement.
And, if you’re worried about property settlement and the pain that it will be, here is the post that will make the tough things simple for you. Read until the end of the post because we’ve covered some of the best and the most important tips that buyers need to understand regarding property settlement –
Understand The Term Settlement – You might try to decipher your own definitions of property settlement, but it is literally the official process that is conducted between you legal and financial representatives and those of the seller. The representatives are there to take the stress out of a complex circumstances so don’t be afraid to ask questions if you are unsure about any legal terms or anything relating to settlement. What usually happens is the seller sets the settlement date in the contract of sale and the property settlement period can usually be between 30 to 90 days. Property settlement officially occurs when ownership passes from the seller to you, and you pay the balance of the sale price.
Arrange For Final Inspection – The final inspection process means visiting the property on your own before the final moving day. If you’ve involved a broker to buy the property it is best to ask him to arrange for a final inspection day; this is particularly important so you have a final idea about the details of the property. Also, the seller is expected to sell you the property in the manner it was when you visited it.
The Final Title Search – It is important to take a final inspection because a final title search will inform you whether or not there have been any dealings with or new interests in the legal ownership of the property. You’ll also need to remove any caveat you’ve placed on the title to enable the change of ownership to take place. All of this is typically handled by your property and legal representatives.
Organize Insurance – The property seller will usually recommend you take out building and contents insurance effective from the date the seller signs the contract. This is to safeguard their interest in the property, as well as your own. While most buyers tend to ignore this point, it is the most important of all because this is the one point that has been listed to make sure you have the perfect time in your home without any problems.
Know The Outgoings – During settlement, all the outgoings – including rates and other charges are adjusted between you and the seller. While the seller is responsible for rates up to and including the day of settlement, you are responsible from the day after settlement. In a few cases you might as well be expected to pay the land transfer duty, and all of this needs to be managed well in time. As a property buyer it is essential for you to understand the outgoings and take the next step towards the property settlement.
Collect The Keys – So you’ve finally followed all the necessary steps towards make home settlement and now is the time for you to collect your keys. Collect your key from the seller and walk in, it is a home moving day.
The above-mentioned tips for property settlement are the most important to take a note of because these will be responsible in determining your convenient stay in your new home. As a buyer it is extremely important that you know all the important tips and make use of them before you move into your new home.
And, if you’re following these tips carefully you can be sure about getting the perfect property.
So, this one’s for your new property!
By: Jezzards