Forty hours is often considered a typical work week, but how often is this actually the case? To find out, GetVoIP compiled data about average full-time work weeks around the world and created this infographic. Northern European countries like Denmark and the Netherlands had the shortest work weeks, 38.3 and 39.1 respectively. Turkey had the longest work week at 51.2 hours. But the bigger question is does putting in more time lead to greater productivity and higher output? Not necessarily! A 2014 study by John Pencavel of Stanford University discovered that after fifty hours people’s productivity significantly falls. Long story short, working longer doesn’t necessarily mean working better. Remember to take a break when you need it – get a coffee, take a walk, chat with a coworker – and come back refreshed, because quality, focused time is better than long hours of wasted time.
Do you work more than 50 hours or less than 38 per week? Share your thoughts about improving office productivity in your comments below. If you have any stories that you would like to share with us please email