Information Security Major Concern For Both Employees And Business Owners [Infographic]

Promoting Data Security in the Workplace UAB Thumb

Irrespective of the type of workplace, data security is a top concern for management professionals today. Security breaches can end up threatening the livelihood of employees and entire companies alike, depending on how severe they are. There are solutions available to many common professional data security problems. However, understanding the surrounding statistics is often the first step.

As businesses expand their online footprint and use networked architecture, it is becoming a constant struggle to maintain data security. Even though security policies are communicated to every new hire, the actual implementation of protocols need to be imparted via training. This is where these statistics are a bit underwhelming because less than 50% employees actually ever receive information security training. Employee negligence is seen as a major cause of security breaches. This infographic sheds some light on the even more complex aspects of this.

Promoting Data Security in the Workplace-UAB

Submitted by Zac Jackson. Visit UAB website to know more.

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Zac Jackson is a Project Manager at OTC Gaming. If he’s not fighting orcs in a distant land, he’s in a nightclub somewhere in the Northwest DJing (untz, untz, untz…)