Every building, be it residential or industrial is ridden with hazards. This can contribute to many accidents. For example, debris clutter the workplace considerably, thus increasing the chances of injuries. Good housekeeping is crucial for every workplace. This can prevent a number of risks. In addition to safeguarding the employees, effective housekeeping at the workplace can ensure that the area is organized. This helps in promoting an environment that can help in boosting the employees’ productivity.
Good housekeeping is more than just dusting and sweeping and scrubbing the floor. Let’s take a look at some of the tips that can help in ensuring effective housekeeping at the workplace.
Clean the Clutter
A cluttered area could make it difficult for staff to move around easily in the workplace. It could result in lacerations, cuts and other such injuries. Therefore, clutter can restrict movement considerably. Equipment should be moved to their designated locations. This will ensure that no one trips and falls.
Spilled liquid on the floor or any surface should be cleaned immediately. This will prevent slip and fall injuries. When a cleaning has been done, it is important to put up a sign signaling the employees to stay alert on the wet floor. Additionally, proper care should be taken to ensure that no object blocks the staircase.
Appropriate Storage of Materials
Storing materials properly is a crucial step for good housekeeping. Materials that are unused should be kept out of the way for employees. Every material should be stored in the right places so that nothing is out of place. For example, a ladder should not be stored in an electrical closet since it may end up blocking an electric panel. Additionally, fire extinguisher and other crucial equipment should be kept at the right places so that anyone can spot them at the time of need.
Workspaces should never be used for storage. Tools may be required for certain tasks. These should be returned to their places when the task is complete. The tools should be stored in such a way that it does not turn out to be a chore to extract them from the storage space.
Eliminate Fire Hazards
Every workplace contains materials with a high combustibility. Additionally, most workplaces have paper, wood, flammable fluids etc. These can aid in the spreading of fire quickly. Therefore, certain protocols should be maintained in order to ensure maximum safety. For example, combustible materials should be stored appropriately at all times. They should be kept in small amounts as per the job requirements. When they are not in use, these should be stored appropriately.
Quick-burning materials should be kept at a large distance from ignition sources. In addition to that, fire exits should be free of any obstruction so that occupants can escape the building quickly in the event of a fire hazard. Employees should also be trained on how to respond to such an event. They should contact the fire department, a fire investigator, medical services etc. after a fire.
Safe Waste Disposal
Scrap management is an important aspect of good workplace housekeeping. Waste should be disposed of in a proper manner. It should be disposed of in the designated places. Every room should have a bin for any waste disposal requirements. Paper, food, empty containers should be thrown in these bins which should then be disposed of in proper places.
Industrial waste should be disposed of according to protocol. Many companies buy the scrap, recycle it and use it for certain purposes.
Adequate Maintenance of the Building
The entire building should be maintained properly. Housekeeping staff should be assigned the duty of looking out for broken windows, damaged doors, broken locks, problems in plumbing, broken lights and fixtures and so on. It should also be taken care that the equipment are in good and operational condition. Regular maintenance should be carried out for certain equipment to ensure that they are working properly.
Establish Rules and Procedures
There should be written protocols for housekeeping procedures at the workplace. This guidebook should specify which tools, cleaners etc. should be used for maintaining the equipment. The methods should also be specified for the housekeeping. Every housekeeping staff should be trained to ensure that they follow the right procedures. Restrictions should also be set against leaving the work area untidy.
Proper monitoring should be conducted to ensure that these methods are followed properly. Following these methods will ensure effective housekeeping at the workplace.