Most companies that own vehicles will find the importance of a fleet maintenance log, especially if there are several vehicles in a company. Scheduled maintenance for fleets is necessary for different fleet sizes and it only makes sense that the more the company uses a vehicle, the more maintenance is needed. Most companies, especially big ones, are usually busy with their operations and it is common for them to forget dates when the vehicles are brought in their area. Vehicles like tow trucks easily wear out because they are often used in operations so maintenance is a must. This should not be an option but instead mandatory since it could mean loss of profit for every time a truck is taken off its operations.
Understanding Fleet Management
Fleet management is the term given to describe the overall management of vehicles owned by a company. These vehicles help in the success of the business operation. Fleet management involves vehicle tracking, mechanical diagnostics and driver behaviour. The most basic function of the management is vehicle tracking where companies use GPS trackers to monitor the whereabouts of the fleet. The mechanical diagnostics involve computer-generated information on the fleet’s fuel consumption, distance covered, and the like. Data from both the tracking system and mechanical diagnostics will describe driver behaviour which is an important tool to ensure road safety.
Who Benefits from Fleet Management
Mining companies own huge fleets of vehicles that are needed for mining operations. Managing the fleet effectively helps cut costs as well as promote safety of transportation of mining materials and the workers.
Mining companies benefit from fleet management for various reasons. The primary reason why these companies implement fleet management is to optimize their equipment and assign them to rightful operators. The scheduling of equipment assignment helps improve the productivity of the whole operation without allowing waiting time for equipment usage.
Another reason why fleet management is needed is to monitor company production through information such as loading performance, machine cycle time and other parameters related to the operation. A single machine or a group of machines can track this data, allowing the workers to decide on changes ahead of time with regards to performance improvement.
Basically, fleet management is about keeping track of the location of the equipment, making sure that the machines are at their designated areas and that they are moving the right type and amount of materials. With this data, operators can be vigilant about misrouting before any mistakes can be made or work hazards can occur.
Overall, fleet management for companies is implemented to improve the overall onsite productivity. Since modern technology has paved way for changes in vehicles, the importance of fleet management has grown as well.
What Fleet Management Can Do for a Company
Fleet management can reduce the overall costs involved in vehicle repairs. Since management also involves regular upkeep, repairs are taken care of before any problems can get worse. Furthermore, operators can avoid accidents since fleet management also checks on the working parts of the vehicle and analyses its functionality. It can also dig deep into an accident and make a report regarding the incident. On top of that, the driver of the vehicle also gets education from this and will be trained to remain alert all throughout the operations so that road safety will always be observed.
Generally, a busy business involves delivery, exchange and transportation of goods on a regular basis. With this in mind, it is important to keep a fleet organized and in great condition so as to not jeopardize the productivity of the company.
Writer Erin Warbrook is from Perth, WA and loves writing about cars, business and health. A large business with company cars needs fleet management for maintenance and peace of mind. Erin uses New Town Toyota Fleet Management.