Create a Healthy and Safe Work Environment

Health and Safety Training at Workplace

Health and Safety Training at Workplace

When designing an office space, most people are concerned with things such as productivity boost and optimal performance. However, these are not the only issues that should matter. To any sensible employer, well-being and safety of their workers should be a paramount and an idea that has no alternative.

We are not just talking about caring for your fellow man. People working in an environment bad for their mental health are bound to underperform and an employee getting injured can result in either an expensive lawsuit or a myriad of sick-days. Neither is good for the business. So, in order to come up with a solution that suits everyone, here are a few ideas on how to make a safe and healthy environment in your office.

A Happy Employee is a Productive One

First of all, a lot of people go to work with the look on their face that is more suitable for someone standing in front of a firing squad. You can only imagine what kind of performance makes one who hates every single minute in their workplace. In order to avoid this, you need to do several things. First, give everyone their own personal space. The importance of intimacy often gets overseen and this is a critical mistake. Second, don’t micromanage your team all the time. Giving people some independence will help them feel appreciated and allow them to give their best on their own terms.

The third and final point is not related to your behavior but to the overall design of the office. Your workers need enough natural light in order to preserve their mental health. Therefore at least some portion of the sky should be visible from every corner of the office. Finally, try adding colours that spread positive mood into the overall setting of the office. You can do this both through painting your walls in these nuances and with the adequate choice of furniture.

Think About the Safety

When speaking about the size of the office a lot of people think only about how many workstations they will be able to fit in. This usually results in the room being overcrowded and air becoming quite musky. Now, during spring, you can just open all windows and let the air in, but what if you lease an office in the industrial zone in order to save some money. The air there might not be completely hazard free for your staff, which is definitely something to look out for. Furthermore, if the building is old, it is possible that it has pipes or even roof construction made of asbestos. In the long run, this can cause some serious health problems so if you have any suspicions regarding this, contact the environmental consulting professionals to do the analysis. Remember, safety always comes first.

Always Have a Plan

Some areas have innately high risk of natural disaster occurring. So, if your area is known for earthquakes, fires or floods, you must be prepared for these eventualities. First, have a detailed plan of what to do in these situations. Second, have a designated crisis manager and have floor plans and evacuation routes everywhere. It might even be a good idea to have a drill every few months just so you can make sure everyone knows what to do. To some, this is a waste of time, but for those who know better this is a necessary evil that could eventually save lives. Put it this way, better to be prepared and never use this plan than to need it once and don’t have it. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about turning your work environment into a positive and safe place. The main reason why this isn’t the case with all workplaces is simply because people sometimes just don’t care enough. However, this kind of shortsightedness usually doesn’t go unpunished and sooner or later even these reckless bosses come to this conclusion on their own. On the other hand, doing this in time can provide you with that much needed competitive edge. The choice is all yours.

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