Black Friday & Cyber Monday Infographic - USA

Black Friday And Cyber Monday Events Changing The Retail Landscape In U.S. [Infographic]

Black Friday and Cyber Monday have both become retail phenomena in a very short space of time and at this stage are practically impossible to ignore as a consumer and as a retailer. As a consumer, these “events” have heralded a period of frenzied shopping but ultimately have also yielded bargains too! For retailers, it’s…

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5 Tips to make your Annual Events Successful Thumbnail

5 Tips to Make Your Annual Events Successful [Infographic]

Annual events always bring with them lots of excitement and fun. For businesses these events have a special relevance as this becomes the center of activity once every year. It brings the teams together and makes the employees feel like a family. Moreover, annual events are great platform for launching new products, announcing organizational changes,…

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PR and Brand Events feature image

Starting Out As Brand Ambassadors? This eBook Can Be Helpful

Marketing is becoming more personalised. Brands have begun to understand the importance of brand humanization. A key aspect of brands interacting with consumers is PR. Brand Events are essential for your company and to design a good brand event is more valuable than spending millions on traditional advertising. As brands are seeking to develop experiences…

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Office Holiday Parties

10 Excellent Tips for a Rocking Office Holiday Party That Everyone Will Remember

Somehow, our small Cooperstown farm does an amazing number of office holiday parties – and business and other functions throughout the year. This year, while we’re booking more than ever, we’re also talking more carefully and thoughtfully with the people doing the planning. These are some of the chief concerns that have come up, and…

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