3 e-Learning Trends That are Changing the Way Your Child Learns

elearning tools

elearning tools

Online learning is fast catching up in the contemporary educational system and it is facilitated by the surge in the Information Technology in recent times.

Academicians and educators have designed many online learning platforms to help students to learn in a better manner and engage them in the class.

Online learning helps students to remain inspired, motivated, and enthusiastic in their class and enable them to retain their lessons in a better manner as they learn.

By using online platforms, teachers can help students to remain engaged by assigning them with peer assignments, collaborative projects, and conducting after school study and group study programs.

Online learning tools also provide teachers with information about the level of engagement of students and adequate ways for determining the performance of students.

Online learning platforms also level the playing field for all students regardless of their backgrounds and making available a wide range of books and topics for reference that will help the students to understand and retain their lessons easily.

E-learning platforms have revolutionized the way students learn by these ways.

1. Making learning more fun and entertaining by the introduction of educational games and apps

Students, especially young ones, love stories and games and learn most of their lessons by delving deep into stories. Young students find stories more appealing and informative than conventional methods of education and they prefer to take their lessons more seriously when it is imparted in the form of an interesting story rather than bland monologues and lectures. Students always like to attentively listen to real life case studies and accounts compared with lectures. This has encouraged many e-learning platform developers to include as many stories and real life examples on their online learning resources. Many e-learning companies have introduced games that help students to gain knowledge and learn some new subjects like languages, math, science, and computer. These educational games help students to enhance their acumen and IQ when played regularly. These educational games have immense potential as they entertain the students and help them to learn new topics all at the same time.

2. Helping students to learn and obtain information through educational videos

With the penetration of TVs in almost every households and students spending at least 14 hours a week in front of their TV sets, they are becoming less and less enthusiastic about reading. Young students also spend their leisure hours by remaining busy with their tablets, mobiles, and laptops and thus they are not excited when they are made to spend time with their books. With the popularity of informative and educational videos as well as vlogs (short for video blogs) such as Khan Academy, TedX, etc, more and more students are drawn towards such videos. Now more and more e-learning companies are focusing on the informative videos to keep the young learners engaged and entertained. Online learning companies are also creating many informative vlogs that are a big hit with the students.

3. Encouraging schools to digitize and computerize the teaching methods

Educational institutions are apparently espousing digital technology at an unprecedented scale. Schools are equipping their students with educational tablets and introducing digital boards built with interactive content in them. By doing this, schools are aiming to impart a uniform quality of education and address the inadequate faculty members. While devising these gadget and equipment, schools take the help of best professionals in the IT sector, education sector and highly-qualified educators. The best-in-class devices help students to learn, understand, and retain their subject matter in effective and efficient manner. By digitizing the learning process, schools also get the best brains to work together on the resources.

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