It’s no secret that the world around us is suffering because of our actions. Pollution, overuse, and a lot of wasteful practices endanger the surroundings, the creatures, and even humans themselves. One of the largest projects that result in large-scale damage is deforestation and urbanization of rural areas.
Such destructive practices need to stop. As a solution, it’s encouraged that people begin leaving greener marks whenever they do something. These methods include recycling, conservation, and engaging in sustainability which contributes to a much greener cause. It’s always good to know that a lot of people try to help in the smallest of ways.
No matter how small a particular method is, if done on a global scale, would equate and exceed the purpose of going green. World events such as Earth Hour are fun, exciting, and globally participative events that allow people to join in on a cause; regardless of belief, race, nationality, age, gender, etc.
If you still don’t have an idea on what to do to contribute to a much cleaner world, here is a start: Try to purchase green furniture. As mentioned above, urbanization is rapidly taking up space from forests, animals, plants, etc. Just by saving space, a person can contribute to at least a growing cause to eliminate deforestation and rapid urbanization.
How do I know if a Piece of Furniture is Green?
One way to know is by simply asking your local manufacturer. If wooden materials are taken care of, chances are it’ll last for a long time. It’s a good idea to use wood that’s lying around instead of cutting down new trees. This process is called reclamation. It’s not just wood, but other reusable materials such as plastic and metal can also be put up for reuse.
There’s Money in Repurposing
There’s an emerging trend that will surely catch the attention of restoration artists and furniture collectors. Repurposing has been around a long time, but a lot of people still don’t know about the art. Many individuals do this because they see some “value” in items that are deemed obsolete and unusable.
Repurposing breathes new life into once-broken materials and turns them into artistic looking furniture. These finished products sell for high prices because of their aesthetics, functions, and ingenuity. These products have the same quality such as those found on sites like Focus on Furniture.
Don’t Underestimate Space Saving Furniture
The most important to look out for when purchasing furniture aside from looks and functionality is how much space it can save. Never underestimate wooden pallet beds that have drawers underneath. These types of projects are affordable and can be the basis of a great DIY project. The space provided by the drawers underneath can eliminate the need for adding more cabinets in a room.
Cabinets that can act as stands for a T.V. that don’t have wall mounts is also an excellent space saving furniture to get for your home. Properly arranging furniture is also a good way to save space. Just by placing drawers close to some locations, such as beds, will be enough to have a more breathable room with less clutter.
Support Local
Whether it’s food or furniture or any other item, it’s great to go local. Supporting your market means that there are more chances of the local economy to grow. Funds from people who buy from locally grounded stores provide sustenance to small time artisans and entrepreneurs.
Supporting local also means that you’re eliminating all of the environmental costs of shipping an item. This act means that there is less pollution, less waste, and more money saved in fees. So, it’s best to support your local stores.
A small act of recycling may not be something, but when done globally, it is enough to make the world a better place to live. Just by using reclaimed and repurposed furniture, a person contributes to recycling and saving space. Lastly, never fall short of supporting your local stores.
These small start-ups are good alternatives to large-scale products and are much healthier in the long run. Food from locally grown sources may have little to no pesticide and preservatives in them. Furniture from local shops might be made out of reclaimed wood, causing less destruction and environmental costs from other places.