If you work in construction then you’ll already know that without due care and attention the industry can be dangerous. There are all sorts of health and safety regulations that need to be taken into account and if that doesn’t happen, the results can be fatal.
Any company owner in construction is legally obligated to ensure that his or her staff are working in a safe environment and following procedure and that members of the public are not put at risk.
Firms that fail to comply with health and safety regulations can incur financial penalties and in the worst case scenario can even end up with a criminal conviction. The easiest way to make sure your company is playing by the book is to provide managers with relevant training.
Site Managers Training
The SMSTS or site managers training scheme health and safety course is essential for construction industry managers. The course teaches managers how to properly plan and monitor the way sites are set up, how to carry out comprehensive risk assessments and how to find the most appropriate methods of identifying and measuring risk in order to reduce the number of accidents and incidents occurring.
In general SMTS training is carried out over five days and in many cases course attendance can be stretched out across several weeks so as not to cause disruption in the workplace. Throughout the course candidates are assessed continuously through practical observation and questioning and undertake a number of core exercises and written assignments. Any exercises carried out are marked and must meet the requirements to pass the course. At the end of each course candidates will also take an exam which they must pass in order to qualify.
Once the course is successfully completed candidates receive the CITB qualification which is valid for five years, after which time a two day refresher course must be undertaken. This course can only be taken by people who already have the CITB qualification.
When it comes to health and safety it is of course vital to ensure that you and your staff have all the health and safety training needed, but it’s just as important to bear in mind that new technologies are constantly being introduced and health and safety practices reviewed so it’s essential to keep abreast of the latest innovations by taking regular refresher courses.
Finding SMSTS Training
There are several companies in the UK offering SMTS training but before you book any course always find out what the content of the course will be to ascertain whether it’s suitable for you and your staff. It’s also important to consider how the training is delivered. Some companies offer block training which means staff will be out of action for a few days in a row, but many managers prefer to undertake training one day a week so that it has less impact on the work they need to carry out.
In addition, you may find it more convenient for a trainer to visit your site rather than attending a course at a training centre, but you’ll only be able to do this if you have enough space and the appropriate equipment onsite that’s necessary for comprehensive training.