We love the brand called “apple”, we feel privileged to own an apple product, thus when apple launched its brand new smartwatch called “apple watch”, the stores were flooded with consumers, as they always do whenever apple releases a new product. Apple has been making cutting edge gadgets, that give their competitors run for their money. People love apple products because of the quality, robustness, and design that apple provides. Apple product screams quality, so even if it is priced higher than its competitors, people buy apple product because they find it reliable. But every time a new product is launched, its cheap knockoff also gets launched. In case of apple products, it happens the most, so it was obvious that fake apple watches were released in the markets. The problem with the knockoffs is that they are so true to the original, the makers make the fake watch look strikingly similar to the original. Thus you or your friends and family might get conned into buying a fake watch. But do not worry, because our infographic would help you stay away from those cheap knockoffs, our infographic mentions the important steps that you need to perform to check the authenticity of the watch.
Submitted by Gabriell Thomson | Infographic Source
You are either a smartwatch person or you’re not! Apple Watch may have opened up a market for ripoffs. Do you think any of the Apple Watch lookalikes come close to the original one? Is there any other smartwatch you would recommend? Let us know in your comments.