How to Get Married for Under £1000 [Infographic]

Married for under 1000 infographic thumb

The average cost of a wedding has risen to a jaw dropping £27,000, with dresses averaging out at over £1000. Phew! Given that the average UK wage is just under £28,000 per annum, it’s clear that getting married is an expensive pursuit. Not only that, it’s one that puts many couples in a huge amount of debt. When life should be about creating a new start, this is worrysome.

It may not come as a shock to you that it’s possible to get married without going bankrupt, and it is, in fact, possible to have a perfect wedding day for less than £1000. Cutting out unnecessary costs, organising as much of the day as you can yourself and using the talents of your friends and family will all keep costs to a minimum.

This infographic details essential wedding costs, where you can save money and how you can make your day magical simply by putting your creative head on. Get married for under a grand and you’ll still have the perfect day – you’ll also be giving yourself the very best chance to make the rest of your life perfect, too.

Married for under 1000 infographic

Marriages are made in heaven and organized on earth as wedding party. If the cost of the marriages are a concern then you should revisit some of the ways discussed in this infographic. Do share it with your friends and leave us your thoughts in the comments below.

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Michael Brown

Michael is a Content Manger from the UK. He writes and creates content for websites on many subjects.