When consumers see a product advertised online or on television they don’t often head to a website to buy the product right away. More often then not most consumers will do further research on the product before buying. Only 2% of customers buy on their first visit to a website. Because of the proliferation of marketing channels, it can be very hard for business owners to understand just what makes a customer decide to buy a product from their website. Most consumers have moved away from the traditional marketing funnel. There are now more points of entry and exit that can be hard for business owners to understand and track. This is why cross-device customer service journey mapping is important.
Signal has put together a really useful guide and visual graphic that covers just how to do this. The guide shows data on why its important to create cross-device consistence along with how to catch a customer when they are most likely to follow through on the purchase. Check out the graphic to learn more.
Infographic by Signal.co. Image Source