The History Of Web Design And The People Who Made It Happen [Infographic]

History of web design and people who made it all happen thumb

We live in a digital age where we spend hours dwelling over the power of the internet. On that note, have you ever wondered which website made its debut online? Who was the intelligent person to build something called a website and how did it look then? Web development and design has evolved significantly since Berners Lee wrote the first piece of HTML code. Web UI has undergone changes from a static website to dynamic to a responsive interface. Today, we probably take website designs for granted. When we open a website on a tablet or a mobile phone, we almost expect the UI to behave perfectly. Modern browsers have become very versatile and powerful. We even ridicule websites that don’t work smoothly or get angry when browsers crash. Well, it was not always like that. The early websites and browsers were never that perfect. Things changed pretty quickly in two decades. Mosaic came out as a robust browser in the 90s. Soon, invention of PHP made dynamic websites possible. Do you know the key people behind such landmark innovations that made this possible? 

Looking at the website history and the people who contributed to such a brilliant discovery, it makes us go ‘WOAH’. If you are feeling a little nostalgic about web design’s humble beginnings, then you will enjoy our infographic:

History of web design and people who made it all happen

Submitted by Nash Ogden | Infographic source:

Great many people have contributed to web development and design over the years. All this has led us to the digital revolution today. Share this post with everyone and don’t forget to subscribe to TLB for more posts on innovation and technology. 

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Business Analyst and Local Business Marketer. Practical Brand Advisor. Co-founder & Admin at The Local Brand. Writes about marketing and investment. Motorcycle enthusiast and likes to travel.