To celebrate World Environment Day on June 5th we decided to put together this infographic to celebrate some of the most environmentally friendly office buildings in use today. These buildings are some of the smartest, most innovative and in many cases the most beautiful office buildings built in recent years. While they all look very different, all have taken interesting approaches to reducing their own carbon footprint drastically.
We start with Amsterdam’s ‘The Edge’ building, which is currently occupied by Deloitte. This building has been called the smartest building in the world as it not only manages the office environment, it also manages desk allocation for all the employees on a day to day basis.
We then travel the world to see buildings which include features such self-sufficient water systems, their own internal power plants, rainwater harvesting and a host of other cutting-edge environmentally friendly innovations.
What is most striking when seeing these buildings is how they have combine cutting edge design principles, and aesthetics, with almost futuristic levels of technology to create office buildings that are helping make the world a greener place.
Submitted by Martha Brenneman | Infographic source:
Certain buildings give off a message. Some have imposing architecture, some create a statement of affluence and these examples say that style and environmental awareness can go together. Leave us your comments below and tell us which buildings you like. Don’t forget to rate and share.