Our Changing Engagement / Marriage Habits in 2017 [Infographic]

Executive Ice Engagement Rings Infographic Thumb

Are people getting married now any different than before? Well, the love may remain the same but the habits of people have certainly changed. Marriages and engagements have become more expensive too. While there is a definite timeline of activities between engagements and weddings, there are more expectations and no time is enough. Let’s look into some of the modern day essentials of the marriage game.  Here’s an infographic from Executive Ice about Engagement Ring Trends in 2017. Thinking of popping the question?

Wedding and Engagement Ring Trends in 2017

Before you buy, find the best place to buy engagement rings at head-to-head retailer showdown!  Hope you like this post. Share it with your marriageable and single friends. Let everyone know. Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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