The other day I was reading a newspaper article about pampered pooches in Hong Kong where there is trend for all things canine including doggy restaurants, special pushchairs and designer collars. The population of Hong Kong certainly seem to have taken things to extremes and I was left wondering what on earth they are thinking of. Now I read that canine products and services are prospering in the UK and that this is a market sector which seems to have been recession proof.
Recession Proof
The so called “hound pound” is strong. We may have cut back on luxuries for ourselves during the harsh economic times but we are still prepared to splash out on our pets. The pet industry has experienced steady growth year on year and it is a trend which is being picked up by women with many making a huge success of building a business which caters for dogs.
All things Doggy
You can now buy almost anything for you pooch with designer versions of collars, beds, travel bags and bowls proving popular. Equally popular are dog themed accessories for homes including mugs, coat hooks, containers, ornaments and stationery. Doggy services are also huge and we are copying American trends with the provision of canine day care which is now almost as big in London as it is across the pond in New York.
Canines Welcome
Other businesses are picking up on the dogs’ new found status and are increasingly making moves to cater for canines. More pubs and shops can be seen displaying signs welcoming dogs and some are even offering bowls of water, doggy menus and treats. It used to be kids playgrounds and colouring books that were used to attract customers now it is all things doggy.
Moggie Rebellion
Speaking as a cat owner I find all this rather curious and excessive. I suppose we all humanise our pets a bit more than we should but I can’t see the day when I will be splashing out on designer accessories for my moggies. Even if I did the cats wouldn’t cooperate and use the things provided. They have spent a lifetime ignoring the things I have bought in favour of something I already have. Take their new bed. I invested in a lovely soft bed for them to lounge on which has quickly been cast aside in favour of a plastic bag and some brown paper I was intending to use to wrap parcels.
Feline Independence
I don’t think there will be many businesses making a success of catering to moggies because they are far too independent and contrary. They are never going to suffer being dressed up or being pushed around in little bespoke vehicles and there is no need for day care or walking services because they look after themselves. I would actually pay someone to try to walk my cat Paolo or to try to dress him up. Not because I want the services but because the entertainment value would be priceless. Paolo doesn’t suffer human interaction gladly and when it comes to designer accessories I have to say I agree with him.
Sally Stacey is a keen writer and animal lover who loves her cats but is not going to buy them designer accessories
Additional Video: Styling Academy for Dog Grooming