Bathroom Renovation

Avoid Common Mistakes During Kitchen and Bathroom Renovations

Renovation is a big job indeed. Planning organized layout of every essential and utilities in the space, delving into the scope of improvement, space management, beautification, etc. everything must be done at a time. However, among all the spaces within a house when you think of adding value to your property with some remodeling work,…

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engaging business presentation

5 timeless tips for more interactive and engaging business presentations

Be so good they simply can’t ignore you! What makes the difference between ‘’good’’ and ‘’great’’ presentation? Let’s be honest, the main goal is simple – to impress your audience. To engage, amaze and leave a lasting impression that even when your presentation is finished people would still talk about it. And the most important…

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Interesting workplace design

Inspire Employee Productivity with a Better Workplace Design

Among all the unicorn content creatives, IT wizards and marketing magicians mingle the simple people, all of us who need our workspaces to be clean, fresh, comfortable and hopefully inspiring enough to push us towards generating fantastic ideas. While the phenomenal experts mentioned in the first line of this paragraph may find their offices somewhere…

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Right Replacement Windows for Your Home Things you should remember Thumb

The Right Replacement Windows for Your Home [Infographic]

Like other aspects of home improvement, window replacement is a job that many people dread due to its relative cost, confusion, and the sheer scope of the project. However, though the project might seem daunting, new window installation offers an excellent opportunity to upgrade your home – both in style and in value. Not many…

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Executive Ice Engagement Rings Infographic Thumb

Our Changing Engagement / Marriage Habits in 2017 [Infographic]

Are people getting married now any different than before? Well, the love may remain the same but the habits of people have certainly changed. Marriages and engagements have become more expensive too. While there is a definite timeline of activities between engagements and weddings, there are more expectations and no time is enough. Let’s look…

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Print campaigns and branding

7 Proactive Ways to ‘Print’ a Name for Your Brand in the Market

You have the company logo, the message, the emotions, the fonts, the colors and the target audience. The big question now is how to apply all of these commodities to market your brand. Printed marketing materials, as you know it, are the backbone of any branding efforts because it’s the best medium to position your…

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buying a 3d-printer vs opting for 3d printing services

Buying a 3d Printer vs Opting for 3d Printing Services [Infographic]

3D printing has modified the method within which businesses are done. nearly each business these days has needs of 3D printing. whether or not to form a differentiation within the product/service providing of the business concern or to simply contend and walk on the road of competition, 3D printing has created a platform high enough…

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Why it’s Good to Go Green: Focusing on Furniture in the Home

It’s no secret that the world around us is suffering because of our actions. Pollution, overuse, and a lot of wasteful practices endanger the surroundings, the creatures, and even humans themselves. One of the largest projects that result in large-scale damage is deforestation and urbanization of rural areas. Such destructive practices need to stop. As…

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DIY paint jobs

4 Reasons Your DIY House Paint May Fail

The exterior of your house needs a paint job, and you’ve decided to conquer it yourself. After all, how hard can the painting be, right? It looks like a relatively straightforward process, and it’s significantly cheaper to do it yourself, rather than paying the professionals. However, before you undertake this, realize that painting a house…

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