8 Simple Tips for Perfect Event Management

event management tips

Event management might look pretty problematic from the hindsight. But if it’s done in a systematic way, the entire thing will look just like a piece of cake.

You need to follow a set of rules to manage an event properly and systematically. This article can be your guideline for that exact purpose. Let’s begin.

1. Planning

It almost goes without saying that a proper plan is necessary to carry out a successful event management.

So what are the attributes of an event that you should consider before taking your leap of faith? There are several to be honest. For example:

1. The size of the event ( Is it going to be a big one? Or is it going to be attended by a handful number of guests?
2. The proper goal of the event. (Is it a wedding? Or is it a new year party? You have to define your goal properly on basis of these things).
3. The importance of the event.
4. The importance of your guests.


Planning can be considered to be your stepping stone to proper event management. Try to make it count.

2. Organizing

Organizing everything properly and systematically is important. All your tactic that you are thinking of keeping up your sleeve both before and during the event needs to be as clear as daylight. There shouldn’t be any confusion. Otherwise, that might have a disastrous result on the outcome.

After you have chalked out your plan, organize the tidbits of information systematically, preferably on a piece of paper or on a spreadsheet. Filter the ones that you won’t require and bin them as soon as possible. Think about the next steps that you need to do after planning. Ask yourself a question like “I’ve got this plan. Now how can I get this done.” Such a question can only be answer through proper organizational skills.

3. Teamwork

This is particularly very important in major events. Work in a team. But before that you’ll have to decide about your team members. Who do you think are competent enough? Do they share the same vision as you do? If they do, take them in.

Divide the task accordingly to each of your member according to their competence. For example: Make one in charge of transportation, another one in charge of catering etc. If one properly, the event work will breeze past in no time.

4. Time management

Time management skills are a part and parcel of each manager. You need to squeeze in maximum job within minimum time.

Time is money. Don’t waste it. Make every second count. If you stick to that policy, the event will be just a cakewalk for you.

5. Task management

You must know the tasks that you have in hand.

Do you have your event under control? Do you have enough competent people to cover every nook and corner of your tasks at hand? Is something missing?

You have to get the answers to those questions first. If you get a “positive” for each, your event should cease to be a source of trouble anymore.

6. Necessary things

Different events need different things. Do you have the right things in order?

Ensure the fact that all necessary things like decorations, chairs, tables, speakers, photo booth etc. are there in order and have arrived right before time.

7. Security

Do remember that this one is one of the most significant aspects that you must look into for a proper event management. You do want to make your guests feel at peace; don’t you? Proper security is hence highly recommended to preserve your goodwill and the goodwill of the event organizer.

Depending on the size of your event, estimate the number of security guards you require to cover each and every corner of your event location. And also make sure that you recognize each and every guard individually on the event night. An event ID concerned with security might come in handy for that exact purpose.

8. Proper monitoring on the event venue

Last but not the least, you have to remember that you are the manager. You have to be present on the scene to ensure that everything goes on smoothly. Proper monitoring will definitely yield a proper result.

So you see proper planning, organizing skills and a systematic action plan are the keys to a proper event management. It isn’t that difficult. Follow the tips above closely and you’ll breeze through your event in no time.

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Allan Lloyd