6 Reasons Your Business Should Have a Micro Market

A single micro market could use a combination of vending machines, reach-in refrigerators & service shelves to store more than 150 products for the consumption by employees. Photo by Robert Nagy from Pexels

Micro markets are a relatively new concept in the workplace cafeteria operations. Those companies which have the space for setting up a common area for an assortment of vending machines and multi-brand food service outlets within the office premises are turning to this concept for its scalability and efficiency. Let’s look at why this trend is catching up in UK in this post by R+R Hub which is a company that specialises in setting up and maintaining micro markets for businesses.

Micro markets are becoming increasingly popular in a wide range of businesses, and it seems that both employers and employees are loving them. These exciting new facilities give you the perfect way to do away with tired old canteens and offer your staff fantastic food options without the hassle. Here are 6 micro market benefits and why your business should make the switch!

1. Cost-effective

Traditional canteens have always been costly things to maintain. They need a significant number of staff to run them and there is usually a high amount of wastage. A micro market reduces this vastly thanks to its state-of-the-art technology. Micro markets are made up of clever automated machines and vending facilities that allow for easy contactless payment.

They can offer everything from snacks to delicious drinks and hot food, cutting out the need for an expensive kitchen. As the machines can monitor what is being sold in real time, they can also make restocking much easier and cut down on the need to have food that simply goes to waste.

2. Hygiene

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have all become much more aware of the levels of hygiene that we need to keep ourselves healthy and safe. A micro market cuts down the need for contact and makes it much easier to offer catering facilities whilst being mindful of the cleanliness that is needed.

3. Flexibility

As the name suggests, micro markets can be as small as you want them to be. In fact, they can fit into just about any space that you like as they are designed around your business. You can choose the combination of machines that you want, and they can be put together in a layout that suits your space. They can even incorporate your company branding and logos to make it look fantastic too.

4. Speed

As micro markets are made up entirely of machines, there is no unnecessary hanging around. Your employees can grab whatever they need in the smallest amount of time, meaning that they can either head back to their desks or make proper use of their break in a communal space with friends.

By cutting out the time waiting around for a canteen kitchen, your staff can make their break times really work for them. As they are machine driven, your micro markets can be open 24 hours a day, so your staff can enjoy the same facilities no matter what shift patterns they work.

5. Healthy choices

These micro markets are incredibly versatile and mean that you are not just offering fizzy drinks and crisps. With the ability to offer fresh fruit, yoghurts, and gourmet food and drink items, your staff are free to make the choices that are best for them. It means that there is something for everyone whether they are vegan, suffer from intolerances or are simply counting the calories.

6. Employee rewards

Businesses have the ability to tie their micro markets into rewards scheme, allowing them to rack up points or free cups of coffee to give staff those much-valued perks. They can also work with pre-paid cards if you prefer your staff not to carry money with them whilst they are working.

A micro market is a fantastic addition to any business as it pleases everyone. It can be a bright and welcoming place that offers great choices whilst keeping costs and space down to a minimum. It’s easy to see why micro markets are taking off in such a big way, and it won’t be long until every business has one!

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Emma Preece

R+R Hub are specialists in Micro Markets and Workplace Refreshments based in Nottingham. We're passionate about delivering fantastic refreshment solutions to businesses across Nottingham and East Midlands. Our local presence & friendly, knowledgeable staff make us an excellent choice for those looking for a refreshment solution.