We often see the damaged environment highlighted in the news and how both small and large businesses are not contributing enough to make a longer-lasting difference to the world we live in. But when business owners look at their priorities it becomes clear why they are not doing enough to help.
Business owners are already swamped with their own workload, finances and new business deals, so finding the time to look at ways to help the environment can seem quite impossible.
Although it may appear to be impossible to help contribute to saving the environment – here are four reasons to convince you to start helping make a difference:
You will have to become environmentally friendly sooner or later
The pressure on businesses to become more environmentally friendly is growing and the strain is only going to become heavier in the coming years.
The government has already given incentives to businesses to encourage them to make the switch and become a greener business. Although it may not be necessary for business owners to give in to these incentives, in the future it is going to become compulsory for businesses to meet set guidelines to ensure that are environmentally friendly as possible.
There are many changes business can make, both small and big. Some of these changes include:
- Recycling
- Re-using materials
- Lowering the energy intake
- Switching to eco-friendly power such as solar.
It may boost your business
So we know that in the future, it is going to become compulsory for business owners to comply by government guidelines, so why would they want to make a difference in the near future?
As a business you may see many benefits when focusing on becoming more sustainable. Whatever service or products you offer customers – your customers are always looking for a reason to choose you each time and what better way to convince them than showing your caring side.
Becoming more environmentally friendly is a great selling point to your customers; you will be able to stand out amongst the crowd.
Not only can it improve relationships with your customers, but it is also a great opportunity to improve your relationships with other businesses and suppliers.
You can boost your profits
As well as boosting your business, becoming more environmentally friendly is a great opportunity to boost your profits. By reducing your energy intake and turning to more eco-friendly energy, you can see a significant change in your energy bills.
Although an investment may be needed to make changes within your business, the changes in the amount you pay for energy will be huge. The savings you make can be put towards further eco-friendly investments, profits or business investment.
It is a great marketing opportunity
Marketing your business can be difficult; this is because there are some many other competitors against you. If you don’t offer your services at the lowest prices then you may find it difficult to stand up against your competition.
Becoming a greener company is a great selling point to potential customers. This will show off your sustainable, caring side.
This Post is submitted by Jade Coleman who recommends SLR Consultancy which specialises in mining & minerals, waste management, planning & development and energy management. You can visit their website to learn more.