You want your employees and colleagues to be as productive as possible in order to drive success and set new goals for your business. However, productivity in the workplace is easier to wish for than achieve in reality, as it is not earned or innate in nature – rather, it’s built and constantly developed. Productivity cannot be demanded – well, maybe it can, but such a practice will more often than not produce a counter-effect and result in frequent staff changes.
So, how do you build optimal productivity in the workplace, without simply demanding it? With motivation, naturally. Motivation drives passion and inspires people to go above and beyond the call of duty – without motivation there can be no true productivity.
One does not go without the other, so let’s take a look at how to motivate your employees for top performance and create a trusting, thriving workplace.
Set goals and expectations
Primarily, you want to give you employees a clear sense of direction. Even more so, you want to point them directly at the bullseye. Do not leave anything to chance and avoid the risk of employees straying off course with unclear instructions and a vague set of tasks.
Start by creating a list of goals and dividing them into short-term, mid-term and long-term goals, and set a reasonable deadline for each. Next, you want to have a precise and succinct explanation of every goal, what it entails, the people involved, communication methods, and a roadmap to making it a reality.
Finally, you want to be always in the loop and track the progress of every task, helping and guiding employees along the way. It’s not about people not knowing how to do their job, quite the opposite, it’s about utilizing their expertise to its full potential.
Correct, don’t criticize
Telling someone that their work is inadequate or sub-optimal, and demanding improvement is impractical and it doesn’t provide any valuable or constructive feedback. You should always try to correct and improve with valuable information, rather than criticize an employee. After all, the person is trying their best, and if you want them to become better, you have to pave the road to productivity with concrete and road signs that will help them achieve it.
Additionally, when you do correct them, do it privately. There is nothing that can bring an employee down and produce an irreversible dip in their motivation and productivity like scolding them in front of their colleagues can. It’s ineffective and counterproductive, so make sure to schedule some alone time with every employee.
Reward every achievement
While you should correct privately, when it comes to rewarding your employees, you should always do it publicly. Not only will the rewarded employee inspire others to follow in their footsteps and reach the same level of productivity, but you will also create a trusting and co-dependent working environment. In addition, rewarding your employees creates loyalty and a deeper relationship.
There are numerous ways you can reward your employees, and by being a true leader and knowing the people you work with you can find a perfect reward for everyone. Gifts such as tech gadgets, a dinner for two at a fancy restaurant, giving a visa prepaid gift card or a whole-day spa treatment are the perfect motivators, so let your imagination run wild.
Lead by example
People thrive under strong leadership. That said, a boss is not the same as a leader. Think of it this way: Would Alexander the Great have been able to beat vast armies of Persia if he hadn’t been at the forefront of every battle? Probably not. So, just like the famous ruler, you want to lead your employees and motivate them through your own actions.
This means that you should create trust in the workplace, empathize with your team, believe in them and trust their judgement as much as you want them to trust yours. People will learn to trust your decisions and become inspired by your actions, leading to increased performance spearheaded by a common goal.
Automate everything
Lastly, you want to make your employees’ lives easier by introducing new technologies that will help make their work more efficient. This means introducing dedicated communication software for easy project navigation and fast flow of information, as well as software that will track performance and lower the risk of procrastination and needless distractions.
As you can see, motivation feeds productivity and it cannot be demanded. Rather, it should be developed and nurtured over time. By following these essential guidelines, you will have no problems in creating a thriving workplace, set on reaching new heights through mutual trust and a common, guiding passion.