Moving in is one of the most joyous occasions there are. Now, in order to pay homage to this great event in your life, it would be only fair that you are to commemorate it in some way. This is what housewarming parties are for in the first place. However, what you are not going for a housewarming party, your plan is to make THE housewarming party. Sure, everyone can buy gallons of booze, as well as provide snacks and games, but what can make a good party into a great one is the overall ambiance which can be reached only with careful decoration efforts. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you make all of this just click in its place.
Everything is decoration
First thing first, just remember that every single item in your home is decoration and act accordingly. What this means is that you can always use food and drink as a decorative items. Although, some say that if you manage to create a true art piece people will be too scared to disturb it, but in this case you can always be the first to break the ice. The best thing about this is that although temporary, it can be a deal breaker when it comes to the first impression of your party. There are so many great housewarming buffet ideas so it might be worth your while to browse this topic a bit before you start.
Prepare your home for a mess
Sure, there is going to be a party in your home and at parties (especially the best ones) things often get out of hand. Now, it would be irresponsible to just kill the vibe of the party by setting millions of impossible-to-uphold rules so it would be simpler to just move the things you fear damaging out of the way. So, if you have a nice coffee table you fear broken or a brand new quality rug you want to protect from wine stains (or worse) it might be the best way to just move them to the next room until the tempest is over.
The choice of music is the key
When it comes to music, your plan needs to have layers. First off, when people arrive you need something quiet and easy-to-ignore so that people can make contact and mingle for a while. Then, after everyone is warmed up you need to tune it up a bit and play something that will make everyone want to dance. Finally, when everyone is well boozed-up, you might want to start with some party games like charades or twister, so what you will need is something soft and ambiental. Needless to say, here both your personal preference and that of your friends play a major role.
Make the room party friendly
Now we already mentioned that it might be good idea to move some of your more valuable objects out of the harm’s way, but this is not the only reason to rearrange the room for the party. Namely, you want to make some room for dancing that is about to take place as well and if it is seating that you have in mind, you want center of the room clear as well. Otherwise some people will sit with their back turned to others which is neither practical nor polite.
Finally, you will be ready for your first (but hopefully not last) party in your brand new home. By investing just a bit of effort you can give your place a memorable festivity and in this way start off on the right foot. Sure, organizing housewarming party the right way is not a worthy task, but it is one worth any effort.