The notion of office ergonomics is becoming more important with each passing day. Once major corporations, SMBs and one-person startups saw the connection between productivity and workspace, there was no going back. For example, sitting in an adequate office chair reduces chances of back-pain emerging, which in turn increases one’s chance to focus. Similarly, the right set of colors can help workers either relax or focus same as adequate seating order can increase one’s privacy. On the other hand, what a lot of people don’t know is that light can be equally as important as any of these things. With this in mind, here are few tips on how to illuminate your way to success.
Starting with Natural Light
The absolutely worst thing you can do is close the blinds in your office and use artificial lighting to illuminate the room 24/7. Our psychology makes it so that we need natural light in order to keep our mental health and give our best in the workplace. What this means is that you might want to use the perks of daylight for as long as you possibly can. Because of this, when leasing an office space, you should mostly look at two things. First, you need to make sure that sky is visible from every single corner of the office. The only way to know for sure is to check it on your own. Second, the more internal walls and pillars there are the less room there is for a light to flow. In other words, offices which have a problem with any of these issues are best left avoided.
Budget Friendly Illumination
Another thing every business should think about illumination-wise is the power bill. Sure, the expenses of a single light bulb may not seem as much, but when you think about how much power you need to enlighten an office space, things get the more serious turn. In order to do a favor for both your budget and your planet, you may consider several options. For example, you could replace your incandescent light bulbs with LED ones and in this way save a lot on a yearly basis. Unfortunately, these bulbs cost more than traditional ones, but they provide the room with the same amount of light with lower Wattage. Next thing you might want to consider is the installation of solar panels which will supply your lighting, but this project may be too expensive for most SMBs and startups.
Every Area for Itself
Finally, while it is true that your office needs enough space to provide satisfactory visibility even during the night, not whole of your office adheres to the same rules. Just think about it, the light in the breakroom doesn’t have to be as intense as in the work-area. Here, you can create a bit more intimate atmosphere by dimming down the lights. Furthermore, while in the office light should be simple and efficient, in other zones you can be a bit more creative. In the aforementioned breakroom you can use tall lamps, while in the kitchen you can create homelier atmosphere with pendant lights. In this way, you can help each room unleash its full potential.
Like any other force of nature light isn’t good or bad, it just is. Whether you use it to help your employees focus or ignore it and relinquish the efficiency of your workplace is completely up to you. One thing is certain, as a business owner you owe it to both your business and yourself to create an ultimate work environment and help bring out the best in your staff. Only when you are able to do this will your business be ready to move forward. Once you are on the right track, there will be no stopping you.