Pros and Cons of Detoxing Before Summer

Fitness and detoxing before summer


As you leave winter behind and start experiencing the joys of spring, you might feel the pangs of the so-called ‘spring fatigue’. It’s not just the daylight saving time, there is something in the bright sunlight, freshly mowed grass, and the buzzing of bees that just leaves us feeling fatigued without an apparent reason. One of the ways to deal with this is to have a full-body detox to get rid of all the toxins that have piled up in our bodies during winter and prepare us for summer. There are good and bad aspects of the detox process, and here is what you should know.

Pro – control carb and sugar cravings

You might not know, but flour and sugar are addictive. Sugar has become something like ‘new nicotine’, and, in fact, a recent study has shown that it’s eight times more addictive than cocaine. So, if you have a hard time fighting your cravings for sweets, candy bars, and chocolate, you might actually be dealing with addiction. Your willpower might not be enough to win this war, but if you detox and flush all that sugar and carbs out of your system, at least for a while, it will be easier for you to control those cravings. It’s not just ‘junk food’, but the processed food we’ve been eating for a long time can be more appropriately called ‘food-like junk’.

Con – the quality of water you drink

It’s not always easy going around, buying bottles and gallons of water, especially if there’s nothing wrong with your tap water. Still, do you know if your tap water is clean and bacteria-free? There might be nothing wrong with the taste of water, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any bacteria or chemicals that might be harmful for you. One of the best ways to handle this problem is to buy a high-quality water filter for your home and only drink water that’s been filtered. Filters don’t have to be chunky and difficult to install. Not many people know that quality UV home water treatment uses UV light to sterilize water and make it safe for drinking. The best thing is that it’s completely environmentally-friendly, unlike chlorination.

Pro – you adopt healthy habits

You will reset your biological clock and you’ll start sleeping better. Without all that processed and ‘heavy’ food, your metabolism will get a good boost and you’ll feel less bloated and much lighter. Healthy habits include cutting down on caffeine and opting for green tea instead. This will also result in higher energy levels and you’ll soon start losing some of those extra pounds.

Con – it’s a lot of effort

Depending on the kind of the detox plan you intend to follow, you might find yourself feeling fatigued, hungry, and weak. There are simple three-day detox plans as well as detox processes that last for a couple of weeks. If you plan on doing a low-calorie, nutrient-poor diet, you should only spend several of days on it because hunger will cause a drop in your energy levels and it might make you feel dizzy or lightheaded. When doing this, you shouldn’t work out because you won’t have enough energy. On the other hand, you might also try “clean” eating where you can stay focused on vegetables, fruit, organic and raw foods, whole grains, and lean protein. Since you’ll avoid most of the foods you usually eat, you’ll have to prepare a lot of different meals in advance in order to prevent eating the same things over and over again.

Detoxing is good for you: it’s good for your mind, body, and soul but only if and when done right. You don’t want a detox which will leave you feeling even more fatigued. Whatever detox you choose, approach it like a professional and never do anything that might damage your health. After all, balance and moderation are key in life, and detox can help you achieve that.

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Emma Joyce

Emma B. Joyce is blogger based in Australia. She is a true home decor and DIY fanatic. Emma is interested in music and also is a big reading enthusiast. Finding new designs and patterns is her daily task. She got hooked on home accessories and decorations during her traveling and now cannot stop searching for new inspiration.