Is Your Office Making You Sick? [Infographic]

Is your office making you sick thumb

Germs—bacteria and viruses—are an inescapable fact of life. They follow you from home to work, and they follow your kids from school to home. But is it possible that when you go to work, you might be exposing yourself to toxins that are making you ill?

In all likelihood, the answer is “yes.” About 25 percent of all Americans work in a building that’s making them ill. Called “sick building syndrome” by some, the illness can cause a cluster of symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, and nausea. There are things you can do in order to help mitigate the effects; this graphic can help.

Is your office making you sick

Post from Megan Wilson | Infographic Source:

Often workplaces overlook the compliance necessary for health of employees. Has your office ever caused you to fall ill? Share your experiences with us. Leave your comments below. Don’t forget to share this post with your colleagues at work. 

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Business Analyst and Local Business Marketer. Practical Brand Advisor. Co-founder & Admin at The Local Brand. Writes about marketing and investment. Motorcycle enthusiast and likes to travel.