History Of Virtual Reality In a Nutshell [Infographic]

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It’s the first year anniversary of the Oculus Rift and an opportune time to revisit the past of Virtual Reality. The new generation must not even have the fragment of information on the advent of Virtual Reality and the related and subsequent creations. Today it is more advanced than the initial creations and there will be more compact & enhanced versions in the coming years.

VR studies started long time back and the first VR machine was created in 1956 and since then there has been no looking back. Along the way came some failures as well with few not getting enough appreciation from people. But Oculus Rift has taken to the fantasy of people and has been a grosser. Its revenue generation is growing by leaps and bounds.

Let’s have a reminiscence of the Virtual Reality with this Infographic and get to acknowledge ourselves with the virtual reality enchantments over the years.

 Luminous Infographic VR

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Georgia Davies