Consumers are living in a great age. It is possible to do so much research before making a product decision. You can look up information about just about anything. This makes the job of a marketer a little bit harder. Having a knowledgeable customer base isn’t all bad though. It just means that you must remind customers what they need to pay attention to. About 1/6 of purchases are made from brands that are displayed in the store. Floor stands and end caps make up 77% of displays. It is important to put the products you want to be seen in these places in your business.
Having a strong mobile presence can help your online sales as well as your brick and mortar ones. Letting your customer know your hours and location can help them get into your establishment during the hours of operation at their leisure. Although there are many options online, most people still like to feel what they are going to buy, especially when it comes to clothing.
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