Are you planning to start a Shisha Cafe in Dubai? You must take note that Dubai Municipality (DM) imposes a series of rules and regulations for Shisha Cafe Licensing and Approval in Dubai to standardize every Shisha Cafe in its jurisdiction.
The Licensing and Approval process starts with initial approval applying for Trade name reservation request. Then the submission of all settled Agreements notarized by the Dubai Public Notary, Attested and Approved Tenancy Contract from Dubai Municipality, Passpoert copies of owner and partners. The final Shisha Shop Dubai approval and inspection will be administered by DM, assuring that the Shisha Shop in Dubai will continue to adhere the standards of the establishment.
Dubai Approvals Team provides Shisha Cafe or Shisha Shop Dubai approval services adhering to the precise process to avoid any kind of application issues that might lead to cancellation of application.
Dubai Approvals Team

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