Claire Shaw

Senior Graphic Designer at SOS Wholesale, a family run business who are one of the UK’s largest discount delivered wholesalers.

The Difference Between a Wholesaler and a Distributor – Which works better for your business?

Wholesalers and distributors both buy and sell goods in bulk. Wholesalers buy goods either directly from manufacturers or via distributors. They are, however, completely independent from their suppliers. Distributors only buy goods directly from manufacturers with which they have an agreed contract. This distinction has several implications. To explain the difference, Claire Shaw of SOS Wholesale shares…

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Supermarket retailers are developing their own seller brands which are competing with product brands.

Wholesale VS Retail: What’s The Difference? How the Emergence of Drop Shipping & Other Business Models is Affecting them Both?

Traditionally, wholesalers sold to businesses and retailers sold to end customers. Now, those boundaries are becoming somewhat blurred. Some wholesalers are opening up to consumers. Some retailers are becoming more like wholesalers. In general, however, wholesalers still tend to sell in larger quantities and at a lower cost than retailers. This leads to major differences…

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