10 Health Benefits of Vaping over Smoking

vaping vs smoking
vaping vs smoking
A typical cigarette beside an e-cigarette. Image courtesy vaping360.com

For those people who have managed to quit smoking, they believe that using a shisha pen offers them a number of benefits over the health concerns that come with smoking.

However there are many people who have not used e-cigarettes, and for those people it may be worth becoming familiar with the range of e-cigarette products as they can help to remove the health concerns that come with smoking, allowing them to enjoy vaping instead.

Better health – One of the advantages that come with vaping is the fact that is poses a lower health risk and it can help to replace the feeling that smoking provides which in turn adds to the addiction. The taste of nicotine can still be enjoyed but it is administered in smaller amounts which means the health hazards are reduced.

Many flavours – Cigarettes have one, distinct flavour but with vaping comes a number of different flavours which makes it a lot more enjoyable while also improving your health. As there are many different flavours to try, it can help to encourage smokers to quit.

A better look than smoking cigarettes – Traditional cigarettes produce an odour but e-cigarettes do not produce any odour or residue. So, not only are you improving your health you are helping those around you. As e-cigarettes give off no harmful smoke, it will not cause problems for second degree smokers.

In fact, the smell is tolerated by those who do not smoke because an e-cigarette odour is pleasant when compared to a real cigarette.

Always available – Unlike smoking where you have to do it outside; vaping can be done almost anywhere. There is no need to leave your office or restaurant to vape and so this is another reason to quit smoking and try vaping. There is also no requirement to finish vaping in the same way as you would a cigarette because you can just put it back in your pocket. As smoking is an expensive addiction you will feel that you have to finish the whole cigarette.

Combats addiction – Vaping still comes with a lot of unknowns but it cannot be denied that it is a better alternative to smoking. Many smokers find it impossible or believe it is impossible to quit, however, once they switch, they realise that it is a great alternative and that, after a few months use, they no longer feel the need to smoke a cigarette.

This means that many choose to vape because it gives them everything they want from smoking without the health risks.

So, it is clear to see that vaping comes with a wide range of advantages while also reducing the chances of being affected by long-term diseases and illnesses such as cancer. In order to make the move from quitting smoking a lot easier, switching to vaping can make the transition a lot more bearable.

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Peter Scully

Marketing Director at SF Media
Keen author and blogger. Peter writes on a number of topics he has a personal interest in, including brand promotion, marketing, social media, online marketing and small business advertising.