How to Develop a Base of Quality and Relevancy in Advertising?

Advertising technology

Evolving Advertising Technology

Technology and industry professionals are often ahead of the curve when compared to the general public, so it can take a few years for the average individual to catch up to the advertising trends and develop a base of quality and relevancy in new forms of media. Fortunately, the transitional period between old media and new is coming to a close, and consumers are developing blinders toward weak mass marketing ad campaigns, while still keeping their eyes peeled for new forms of advertising that blend the old traditions of compelling storytelling with new trends in digital media. It is becoming clear that we do not need to sacrifice quality for convenience or versatility.

Therefore, creativity in advertising should not be replaced with the fastest and most easily digestible information that sells a product, whether truthful or not. It may have taken a few years to distinguish standards of quality within digital media, but we are now seeing a definite return to storytelling and marketing that reflects fundamental aspects of human nature. People want to be entertained, but they also want to be informed. As the internet intelligence of consumers continues to increase, it is smart, savvy, and creative marketing that will cause them to stop blindly clicking through pages and that will end up making an impact.

Every time a new phase in digital media begins, the general population will require an adjustment period. However, the communal conscience is getting better at staying in step with the creators and designers of these digital marketing platforms. Spam emails, one of the lowest and most unimaginative forms of advertising, plagued and deceived people for years, but they are now largely a thing of the past. Even though they may still be sent and received, most email providers automatically filter them to a spam folder, and most people know enough to avoid being taken in.

Social media advertisements on Facebook and Google stimulate a similar feeling of annoyance for many users, but marketing professionals are learning from past mistakes, and are more keenly aware of what is considered good marketing, and what is not. Society’s ability to filter such advertisements for quality and relevance is increasing, so for creative professionals in the field of marketing, it is important to maintain integrity. No matter what giant leaps in technological advancement may occur, there must always be an element of trust between consumers and advertisers for the commercials to be effective.

Those ads that make us “think differently,” just like the ones that Lee Clow has been producing for more than thirty years, will always stand out. There is an onus on creative individuals to give the people what they want, as well as what they need. Advertisers must remember what their role in society truly is – to tell stories that help people to engage with products and services, in honest and relevant ways. Not every campaign will end up in the history books, like Clow’s Orwellian masterpiece. There is no way to predict what the next watershed moment in advertising will be. However, one thing is for sure – it will be a lot more significant than a cheap sales pitch.

While progress and advancement are usually essential elements of creativity, it is important not to be caught up in or overwhelmed by modern trends. Never lower the quality of your work or sacrifice your integrity to “fit in” and make money. The products of your creativity should be things that you are proud of, and object that others can point to as an achievement in your field. In other words, if you are going to create something, make it relevant to the trends of the day, but do not compromise your vision in the process. Learn more about developing a base of quality and relevancy in advertising only at the University Canada West, one of the best universities in Canada, offering various business and management related programs.

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Tim Scott

Content Writer at Freelancer
I bring over 6 years of rich experience in the areas of Brand Creation, Strategic Management and ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth) . I am an avid reader and a big movie buff. I’m here to post some really cool stuff for you.