8 Most Famous Product Recalls Of The History [Infographic]

Product Recalls Infographic Thumb

Product recalls happen when a product is released into the market without proper quality and safety assessment. It happens to best of the brands and often for bizarre faults in product design, manufacturing or materials used. The more complicated the product, more chances of recalls because it becomes more and more difficult to maintain process integrity as the product becomes complex and feature rich. This is the reason why auto industry sees frequent product recalls. However, the biggest product recalls in the history happened in industries other than automobiles, well, except Ford Pinto which literally got nicknamed as the barbecue with 4 seats due to its hazardous run of road accidents before being recalled. All this and more is in this very interesting infographic from Max Bracken of Bracken Foam Fabricators.

Product Recalls [Infographic]


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Business Analyst and Local Business Marketer. Practical Brand Advisor. Co-founder & Admin at The Local Brand. Writes about marketing and investment. Motorcycle enthusiast and likes to travel.