Fuel Saving Tips You Have to Know [Infographic]

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One of the pressing issues in our society today is the increasing prices of petrol and diesel globally. Due to high demand and changing regulations in the oil industry, there can be no doubt that paying for fuel is one of the most expensive cost that a car owner incurs these days.

To maximize the cost, many car owners have at least tried different gimmicks to top out on gas mileage with their vehicles. From fuel-line magnets to intake air swirlers, there are numerous after-market devices being offered here and there, all of which are not yet proven on helping cut one’s fuel spending.

That said, there are still some simple and actionable ways that can certainly help you save fuel. When implemented properly, these simple tricks will not only help cut on fuel cost, but also makes you a better and smarter driver.

In summary, here are the key pointers from the infographic below which reveals the must-know fuel savings tips:

1. Plan your trips strategically
2. Avoid driving during the rush hour
3. Roll down your windows to reduce drag
4. Get rid of any unnecessary weight inside your car
5. Accelerate smoothly
6. Stick to the speed limit
7. Check your tire pressures regularly
8. Avoid over-revving your car

To know more, check the infographic below from Rippah Australia

Fuel Saving Tips You Have To Know HD

Cars could be gas guzzling monsters if you are not paying attention. Tell us about it in the comments below. Some fuel saving tips could never harm. Share this post with your friends and spread the good motoring experience.

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